Category Archives: Hacking

Bitwise Manipulation

Since as long as I have been a programmer, bitwise operators have been an important but sometimes daunting part of my work. These are the programming tools with which you take a numerical value, let’s say seven, and manipulate it at the level of the bits that make up its binary representation. You can display the binary representation of any value in lldb, the standard Apple debugger, using “p/t”:

(lldb) p/t 7
(int) $0 = 0b00000000000000000000000000000111

One of the most common use cases for bitbwise manipulation is to squeeze lots of information into a small amount of computer memory. For example, a 32-bit integer can hold 32 distinct boolean values:

(lldb) p/t -1
(int) $1 = 0b11111111111111111111111111111111

Yep! The signed, 32-bit value for -1 is often represented as “all the bits are on!” But we could also consider this bit field to be a representation of the enabled/disabled states for 32 distinct preferences in our app. In which case, it’s common to declare numerical constants in code that make it easy to know which bit stands for what.

In C, this is often done by declaring an enumeration where each element is a different power of two, which is by definition the numeric value of each of the bits in any binary number. Apple’s own Objective-C headers use this all over the place. For example, CALayer declares a mask type that allows the four corners of a rectangle to be identified as 1, 2, 4, or 8:

typedef NS_OPTIONS (NSUInteger, CACornerMask)
  kCALayerMinXMinYCorner = 1U << 0,
  kCALayerMaxXMinYCorner = 1U << 1,
  kCALayerMinXMaxYCorner = 1U << 2,
  kCALayerMaxXMaxYCorner = 1U << 3,

To work with these types of values, you often need to use bitwise operators to set, test, unset, or toggle particular elements in a value. Working with bitwise values can be pretty brain-bending, but I recommend that everybody learn about and understand why and how each of the most common bitwise operators work. I won’t delve too deep here, but for example if you wanted to “add” the value 8, for kCALayerMaxXMaxYCorner, to an existing mask of value 7, representing all three other corners, this is what it would look like at a bitwise level:

(lldb) p/t 7
(int) $2 = 0b00000000000000000000000000000111
(lldb) p/t 8
(int) $3 = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000
(lldb) p/t 7 | 8
(int) $4 = 0b00000000000000000000000000001111

A bitwise operator acts on each bit of a value independently, potentially transforming it into a new value. The bitwise OR operator, which is “|” in C, did this above by looking at every bit in the value for 7, and every bit in the value for 8, and if either one had a value of 1, the bit in the resulting value is also set to 1. You can see this visually by playing with the operators in lldb as I’ve demonstrated above.

Even once you fully understand bitwise operators, they’re pretty annoying to work with on a day-to-day basis. That’s why in C, I’ve used these macros for years that simplify the task of performing these common tasks. I’ll leave it as an exercise to figure out why these all work the way they do:

// Basic bitwise operators for our convenience
#define RS_SET_BIT(mask, addedBit) (mask |= addedBit)
#define RS_TEST_BIT(mask, testBit) ((mask & testBit) != 0)
#define RS_CLEAR_BIT(mask, removedBit) (mask &= ~(removedBit))
#define RS_TOGGLE_BIT(mask, toggledBit) (mask ^= toggledBit)

For example, if you were maintaining a list of corner masks, and wanted to remove the kCALayerMinXMaxYCorner value, you just:

CACornerMask existingCornerMask = ... whatever ...
RS_CLEAR_BIT(existingCornerMask, kCALayerMinXMaxYCorner);

It’s more readable, easier to remember, and most importantly easier to get right than always coming up with the exact combination of bitwise operations to remove a value from a binary bitmask.

What about Swift? These macros are based on C’s macro preprocessor, and Swift doesn’t support such a thing. The good news is Swift handles bitmasks in a fundamentally better way, by promoting them to a first-class type called OptionSet. If you’re lucky enough to be working in Swift, you can achieve the same thing as above with:

var existingCornerMask: CACornerMask = ... whatever ... 

Bitwise manipulation is important in most every field of computer programming, and as I said, you should really understand it. But as I also said, once you’ve understood it, you should probably strive to never use bitwise operators again. At least not directly.

Toggle System Grayscale Mode

A colleague recently asked whether it was possible to connect a custom keyboard shortcut to the system-wide “Use grayscale” setting in the macOS Voiceover system preferences:

Screenshot of macOS preference options for accessibility options inlcuding 'Use grayscale'

I could not find any easy way to do this, and searching the web for solutions revealed that most people are addressing this want by using GUI scripting to automate literally opening System Preferences and clicking the pertinent checkbox.

I thought there must be a way to do this in a more streamlined fashion. Couldn’t the option be automated via AppleScript or something? After some brief research, my conclusion was “no.”

At this point I put on my “hacker hat” and proceeded to analyze the System Preferences code that handles the configuration. It’s a binary in /System/Library/PreferencePanes, and the following Terminal command got me on the right path:

cd /System/Library/PreferencePanes/UniversalAccessPref.prefPane/Contents/MacOS/
nm UniversalAccessPref | grep gray

In short, that means “dump all the symbols (nm) from the VoiceOver preference pane, and search them (grep) for the word ‘gray'”. Here’s what it spits out:

0000000000057210 S _OBJC_IVAR_$_UAPDisplayViewController._grayscaleCheckbox
                 U _UAGrayscaleIsEnabled
                 U _UAGrayscaleKey
                 U _UAGrayscaleSetEnabled

These look to me like exactly the names of functions that the preference pane is calling in order to check the current state, and to set the updated state, of the “Use grayscale” checkbox. The capital “U” stands for “Unimplemented.” I.e. it expects to find these symbols, function names in this case, in another library. But which library?

otool -L UniversalAccessPref

The “otool -L” command will dump all the libraries that the preference pane “links to,” meaning the libraries it expects to load functions or data from. There’s a huge list of frameworks in the output, but the most interesting one to me is:


The framework name “UniversalAccess” correlates strongly with the “UA” prefix on the pertinent function names we dug up above. Great, so how do we call these? They’re private system functions which means you should not rely on them for production code, but for a quick hack to make toggling grayscale easier? It’s a reasonable risk in my opinion. Here’s a simple C program that takes advantage of the private methods to simply toggle grayscale mode on or off, depending on the current setting.

If you wanted to assign this functionality to a keystroke, as originally suggested, the easiest way in my opinion is to use an app like my own FastScripts. You could drop the compiled binary above into your ~/Library/Scripts folder, and run it directly from FastScripts. Or, if you don’t want to fuss around with compiling a C program, just copy and paste this AppleScript:

-- Line up a Python script for dynamically loading 
-- the private framework  and invoking the required
-- private methods to get current grayscale mode
-- and set it to the opposite value.
set toggleGrayScript to "python -c 'from ctypes import cdll
lib = cdll.LoadLibrary(\"/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/UniversalAccess.framework/UniversalAccess\")
lib.UAGrayscaleSetEnabled(lib.UAGrayscaleIsEnabled() == 0)
do shell script toggleGrayScript

This script takes advantage of Python’s ability to dynamically load an arbitrary shared library and invoke its exported functions. I wondered if I might be able to use AppleScript’s own “use framework” functionality but I couldn’t quite figure it out.

Hopefully this has been instructive generally for folks who are interested in hacking at system frameworks, and specifically for folks who were looking for an AppleScript for quickly toggling macOS grayscale mode on and off.

Finder Quick Actions

In the What’s New in Cocoa for macOS session at WWDC 2018, Apple announced Quick Actions, which are handy little contextual tasks you can invoke on selected items in the Finder, either from a contextual menu or from the Preview side panel.

The emphasis in the session was on creating Quick Actions via Automator. There, it’s as simple as creating a new workflow document, selecting “Quick Action” from the template palette, and saving. It even puts it in the right place (~/Library/Services).

Essentially, Quick Actions appear to be macOS Services, which have a long history and which Automator has previously been able to create. In fact in macOS Mojave betas, the Quick Action document seems to completely supersede the “Service” type.

But what about native applications that want to provide Quick Actions? I didn’t see anything in the WWDC session to address this scenario, so I started poking around myself. When you click the “More…” button in Finder’s Preview panel, it opens up System Preferences’s Extensions settings, focused on a special “Finder” section. In the list are several built-in extensions.

I thought these were likely to be implemented as binary app extensions, so I instinctively control-clicked on one. A “Reveal in Finder” option appeared, so I selected it. Sure enough, they live inside Finder itself, and are packaged as “.appex” bundles, the same format that Apple supports for 3rd-party applications.

What’s handy about finding an example of an app extension you want to emulate, is you can open up its bundle and examine the Info.plist. Apple’s approach to identifying app extensions’s capabilities and appearance is based heavily on the specification of values in an NSExtension entry. Looking at one of Apples models, I saw confirmation that at least this variant was of type “” and that its attributes included many useful values. NSExtensionActivationRule, are substantially documented, and can be used to finely tune which types of target items an extension can perform useful actions on.

Others, such as NSExtensionServiceAllowsFinderPreviewItem and NSExtensionServiceFinderPreviewIconName do not appear to be publicly documented yet, but one can guess at what their meaning is. I’m not sure yet if the icon name has to be something public or if you can bundle a custom icon and reference it from the extension. I was alerted on Twitter to at least one other key: NSExtensionServiceAllowsTouchBarItem, which evidently triggers the action’s appearance in the Touch Bar while a qualified item is selected.

Dumping AppKit’s framework binary and grepping for likely matches reveals the following key values which are pretty easy to guess the meaning of:


Of course, until these are documented, and even when they are, until macOS Mojave 10.14 ships, you should consider these all to be preliminary values which could disappear depending on further development by Apple of the upcoming OS.

Xcode’s Secret Performance Tests

I was inspired today, by a question from another developer, to dig into Xcode’s performance testing. This developer had observed that XCTestCase exposes a property, defaultPerformanceMetrics, whose documentation strongly suggests can be used to add additional performance metrics:

This method returns XCTPerformanceMetric_WallClockTime by default. Subclasses of XCTestCase can override this method to change the behavior of measureBlock:.

If you’re not already familiar, the basic approach to using Xcode’s performance testing infrastructure is you add unit tests to your project that wrap code with instructions to measure performance. From the default unit test template:

func testPerformanceExample() {
	// This is an example of a performance test case.
	self.measure {
		// Put the code you want to measure the time of here.

Depending on the application under test, one can imagine all manner of interesting things that might be useful to tabulate during the course of a critical length of code. As mentioned in the documentation, “Wall Clock Time” is the default performance metric. But what else can be measured?


At least, according to any header files, documentation, WWDC presentations, or blunt Googling that I have encountered. There is exactly one publicly documented Xcode performance testing metric, and it’s XCTPerformanceMetric_WallClockTime.

I was curious whether supporting additional, custom performance metrics might be possible but under-documented. To test this theory, I added “beansCounted” to the list of performance metrics returned from my XCTestCase subclass. For some reason I couldn’t get Swift to accept the XCTPerformanceMetric pseudo-type, but it allowed me to override as returning an array of String:

override static func defaultPerformanceMetrics() -> [String] {
	return ["beansCounted"]

When I build and test, this fails with a runtime exception “Unknown metric: beansCounted”. The location of an exception like this is a great clue about where to go hunting for information about whether an uknown metric can be made into a known one! If there’s a trick to implementing support for my custom “beansCounted” metric, the answer lies in the method XCTestCase’s “measureMetrics(_: automaticallyStartMeasuring: forBlock:)”, which is where the exception was thrown.

By setting a breakpoint on this method and stepping through the assembly in Xcode, I can watch as the logic unfolds. To simplify what happens: first, a list of allowable metrics is computed, and then the list of desired metrics is iterated. If any metric is not in the list? Bzzt! Throw an exception.

I determined that things are relatively hardcoded such that it’s not trivial to add support for a new metric. I was hoping I could implement some magic methods in my test case, like “startMeasuring_beansCounted” and “stopMeasuring_beansCounted”

but that doesn’t appear to be the case. The performance metrics are supported internally by a private Apple class called XCTPerformanceMetric, and the list of allowable metrics is derived from a few metrics hardcoded in the “measureMetrics…” method:

  • “”
  • “”
  • “”
  • “”

As well as a bunch of others exposed by a private “knownMemoryMetrics” method:

  • “”
  • “”
  • “”
  • “”
  • “”
  • “”
  • “”
  • “”
  • “”
  • “”

How interesting! There are a lot more metrics defined than the single “wall clock time” exposed by Apple. So, should we use them? Official answer: no way! This is private, unsupported stuff, and can’t be relied upon. Punkass Daniel Jalkut answer? Why not? They’re your tests, and your the only one who will get hurt if they suddenly stop working. In my opinion taking advantage of private, undocumented system behavior for private, internal gain is much different than shipping public software that relies upon such undocumented behaviors.

I modified my unit test subclass to return a custom array of tests based on the discoveries above, just to test a few:

override static func defaultPerformanceMetrics() -> [String] {
	return [XCTPerformanceMetric_WallClockTime, "", "", ""]

The tests build and run with no exception. That’s a good sign! But these “secret peformance tests” are only useful if they can be observed and tracked the way the wall clock time can be. How does Xcode hold up? I made my demonstration test purposefully impactful on some metrics:

func testPerformanceExample() {
	self.measure {
		for _ in 1..<100 {
			print("wasting time")
		let _ = malloc(3000)

Now when I build and test, look what shows up in the Test navigator’s editor pane:

Screenshot of performance metrics after reducing the size of allocations and length of run.

Look at all those extra columns! And if I click the “Set Baselines…” button, then tweak my function to make it substantially less performant:

func testPerformanceExample() {
	self.measure {
		for _ in 1..<10000 {
			print("wasting time")
		let _ = malloc(300000)

Now the columns have noticably larger numbers:

Screenshot of Xcode's test results after running tests with

But more importantly, the test fails:

Screenshot of test errors generated by failing to meet performance baselines.

I already mentioned that by any official standard, you should not take advantage of these secret metrics. They are clearly not supported by Apple, may be inaccurate or have bugs, and could outright stop working at any time. I also said that, in my humble opinion, you should feel free to use them if you can take advantage of them. The fact that they are supported so well in Xcode probably implies that groups internal to Apple are using them and benefiting from them. Your mileage may vary.

The only rule is this: if Apple does do anything to change their behavior, or you otherwise ruin your day by deciding to play with them, you shouldn’t blame Apple, and you can’t blame me!


Touch Bar Crash Protection

I wrote previously about crashes related to Apple’s Touch Bar. These crashes seem to affect all apps that were built with a certain toolchain. Most likely it affects all apps that were built against an SDK of a certain vintage. For example, some of my apps that are still built against a 10.6 SDK crash on Touch Bar Macs, either frequently or infrequently, depending upon the user.

I had hoped that we might see a fix from Apple in macOS 10.12.2, but alas the issue is still there. This left me feeling obligated to my customers to find a solution that I can deploy soon. I don’t know if Apple considers the crashes a problem worth pursuing, and if so, how soon they plan to deliver a fix.

Poking around the AppKit infrastructure supporting the Touch Bar, I discovered a secret NSUserDefaults setting, NSFunctionBarAPIEnabled, which seems to determine whether the system exposes an app to the Touch Bar at all. It defaults to YES, but if it’s set to NO for an app, I think the app remains more or less invisible to the Touch Bar.

I have very reproducible test cases for many apps, including Apple’s own SystemUIServer process, so I decided to play around with the NSFunctionBarAPIEnabled user default and see how things go. To my satisfaction, setting the value explicitly to NO for any of the affected apps completely eliminates the crashes:

defaults write NSFunctionBarAPIEnabled -bool NO

SystemUIServer is an interesting example, because I can’t honestly imagine what I’m giving up by disabling Touch Bar support in the app. It’s probably a case where having the default on by default is exposing it to bugs in the Touch Bar infrastructure, even though it will never benefit by having Touch Bar support enabled.

Other apps are not so clear cut: you might have an affected app on your Mac that “works with the Touch Bar,” even though it doesn’t do anything special to support it yet. My own app, MarsEdit, is one such app. The Touch Bar works when you’re focused in on some system-standard UI element such as a text view, but it doesn’t do anything special throughout most of the app. In a situation like this, if you are suffering many crashes as a user, you might decide to do something like the above, writing a custom NO setting to the NSFunctionBarAPIEnabled value. Be aware, however, if you do this that you’ll lose Touch Bar functionality for that app forever, or at least until you remember you set this funny default value.

Getting back to my motivation to eliminate these crashes as soon as possible for my customers, I think that I will ship an update to MarsEdit that disables the Touch Bar, but does so in a transient manner. By registering a default value in the app itself I will not force users to save any permanent value in preferences, and will also give them the ability to override my judgement as they see fit. If you wanted to do something like this in an app, you could add a few lines like this to main.m:

NSDictionary* myDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO] forKey:@"NSFunctionBarAPIEnabled"];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] registerDefaults:myDict];

You want to put this early in your app’s launch, so that it’s registered before AppKit’s Touch Bar infrastructure loads up. When it sees that NSFunctionBarAPIEnabled is set to NO, it will kindly avoid initializing the classes which are evidently making many apps prone to crashes on Touch Bar Macs.

I haven’t decided for sure yet whether to ship with this in place, but unless I find a more suitable workaround, I think I will. Disabling Touch Bar support entirely in the short term will be preferable to subjecting my customers to unpredictable crashes that are out of my control.

Xcode 6 On Sierra

Xcode 6 and Xcode 7 are not supported by Apple on macOS Sierra, and should not be used for production work.

But what if you have a good reason for running one or the other? Maybe you want to compare a behavior in the latest Xcode 8 with an earlier version of the app. Instead of keeping a virtual machine around, or a second partition with an older OS release, it is liberating to be able to run and test against older versions of Xcode.

So far, it appears that Xcode 7 “mostly works” in spite of being unsupported by Apple. I’ve run into some launch-time crashes, but reopening the app tends to succeed.

Xcode 6 will flat out fail to launch, because one of its internal plugins depends on a private framework (Ubiquity.framework) that is no longer present on macOS Sierra. If you were willing to hack a copy of Xcode 6, however, you could get it running. You definitely shouldn’t do this, but if you’re curious how it could be done, here’s how:

  1. Always have a backup copy of any data that is important to you.
  2. Locate a copy of /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Ubiquity.framework from the previous OS X release.
  3. Copy the framework to within Xcode 6’s own Contents/Frameworks bundle subfolder:
    ditto /my/old/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Ubiquity.framework ./
  4. Navigate to the problematic Xcode plugin and modify its library lookup table so that it points to the app-bundled copy of Ubiquity.framework, instead of the non-existent system-installed copy.
    install_name_tool -change /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Ubiquity.framework/Versions/A/Ubiquity @rpath/Ubiquity.framework/Versions/A/Ubiquity ./iCloudSupport
  5. Now that you've modified Xcode, its code signature is invalid. You can repair it by signing it with your own credentials or with an ad hoc credential:
    codesign --deep -f -s - ./
  6. Did I mention you really shouldn't do this?

Apple has good reason to warn people off running older versions of Xcode, but if you absolutely need to get something running again, it's often possible.


I’m working on some heavy NSTextView, NSScrollView, NSClipView type stuff in MarsEdit. This stuff is fraught with peril because of the intricate contract between the three classes to get everything in a text view, including its margins, scrolling offset, scroll bars, etc., all working and looking just right.

When faced with a problem I can’t solve by reading the documentation or Googling, I often find myself digging in at times, scratching my head, to Apple’s internal AppKit methods, to try to determine what I’m doing wrong. Or, just to learn with some certainty whether a specific method really does what I think the documentation says it does. Yeah, I’m weird like this.

I was cruising through -[NSClipView scrollToPoint:] today and I came across an enticing little test (actually in the internal _immediateScrollToPoint: support method):

0x7fff82d1e246 <+246>:  callq  0x7fff82d20562            ; _NSDebugScrolling

0x7fff82d1e24b <+251>:  testb  %al, %al

0x7fff82d1e24d <+253>:  je     0x7fff82d20130            ; <+8160>

0x7fff82d1e253 <+259>:  movq   -0x468(%rbp), %rdi

0x7fff82d1e25a <+266>:  callq  0x7fff8361635e            ; symbol stub for: NSStringFromSelector

0x7fff82d1e25f <+271>:  movq   %rax, %rcx

0x7fff82d1e262 <+274>:  xorl   %ebx, %ebx

0x7fff82d1e264 <+276>:  leaq   -0x118d54fb(%rip), %rdi   ; @“Exiting %@ scrollHoriz == scrollVert == 0”

0x7fff82d1e26b <+283>:  xorl   %eax, %eax

0x7fff82d1e26d <+285>:  movq   %rcx, %rsi

0x7fff82d1e270 <+288>:  callq  0x7fff83616274            ; symbol stub for: NSLog


Hey, _NSDebugScrolling? That sounds like something I could use right about now. It looks like AppKit is prepared to spit out some number of logging messages to benefit debugging this stuff, under some circumstances. So how do I get in on the party? Let’s step into _NSDebugScrolling:


0x7fff82d20562 <+0>:   pushq  %rbp

0x7fff82d20563 <+1>:   movq   %rsp, %rbp

0x7fff82d20566 <+4>:   pushq  %r14

0x7fff82d20568 <+6>:   pushq  %rbx

0x7fff82d20569 <+7>:   movq   -0x11677e80(%rip), %rax   ; _NSDebugScrolling.cachedValue

0x7fff82d20570 <+14>:  cmpq   $-0x2, %rax

0x7fff82d20574 <+18>:  jne    0x7fff82d20615            ; <+179>

0x7fff82d2057a <+24>:  movq   -0x116a7ad9(%rip), %rdi   ; (void *)0x00007fff751a9b78: NSUserDefaults

0x7fff82d20581 <+31>:  movq   -0x116d5df8(%rip), %rsi   ; “standardUserDefaults”

0x7fff82d20588 <+38>:  movq   -0x1192263f(%rip), %rbx   ; (void *)0x00007fff882ed4c0: objc_msgSend

0x7fff82d2058f <+45>:  callq  *%rbx

0x7fff82d20591 <+47>:  movq   -0x116d5fa0(%rip), %rsi   ; “objectForKey:”

0x7fff82d20598 <+54>:  leaq   -0x118ab0cf(%rip), %rdx   ; @“NSDebugScrolling”

0x7fff82d2059f <+61>:  movq   %rax, %rdi

0x7fff82d205a2 <+64>:  callq  *%rbx


Aha! So all i have to do is set NSDebugScrolling to YES in my app’s preferences, and re-launch to get the benefit of this surely amazing mechanism. Open the Scheme Editor for the active scheme, and add the user defaults key to the arguments passed on launch:

Screenshot 3 29 16 3 50 PM

You can see a few other options in there that I sometimes run with. But unlike those, NSDebugScrolling appears to be undocumented. Googling for it yields only one result, where it’s mentioned offhand in a Macworld user forum as something “you could try.”

I re-launched my app, excited to see the plethora of debugging information that would stream across my console, undoubtedly providing the clues to solve whatever vexing little problem led me to stepping through AppKit assembly code in the first place. The results after running and scrolling the content in my app?

Exiting _immediateScrollToPoint: without attempting scroll copy ([self _isPixelAlignedInWindow]=1)

I was a little underwhelmed. To be fair, that might be interesting, if I had any idea what it meant. Given that I’m on a Retina-based Mac, it might indicate that a scrollToPoint: was attempted that would have amounted to a no-op because it was only scrolling, say, one pixel, on a display where scrolling must move by two pixels or more in order to be visible. I’m hoping it’s nothing to worry about.

But what else can I epect to be notified about by this flag? Judging from the assembly language at the top of this post, the way Apple imposes these messages in their code seems to be based on a compile-time macro that expands to always call that internal _NSDebugScrolling method, and then NSLog if it returns true. Based on the assumption that they use the same or similar macro everywhere these debugging logs are injected, I can resort to binary analysis from the Terminal:

cd /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework
otool -tvV AppKit | grep -C 20 _NSDebugScrolling

This dumps the disssembly of the AppKit framework binary, greps for _NSDebugScrolling, and asks that 20 lines of context before and after every match be provided. This gives me a pretty concise little summary of all the calls to _NSDebugScrolling in AppKit. It’s pretty darned concise. In all there are only 7 calls to _NSDebugScrolling, and given the context, you can see the types of NSLog strings would be printed in each case. None of it seems particularly suitable to the type of debugging I’m doing at the moment. It’s more like plumbing feedback from within the framework that would probably mainly be interesting from an internal implementor’s point of view. Which probably explain why this debugging key is not publicized, and is only available to folks who go sticking their nose in assembly code where it doesn’t belong.