Category Archives: OS X

Unified Swift Playgrounds

The announcement of Swift Playgrounds 2.0 has me thinking again about Xcode Playgrounds: both about what a revelation they are, and about how disappointing they continue to be.

When Xcode Playgrounds were first introduced (as “Swift Playgrounds”) in 2014, they were received as a groundbreaking new way for developers to write Swift code interactively. There were lots of rough edges on the feature, but it seemed reasonable to expect that because they were released in tandem with the Swift programming language itself, those rough edges would be smoothed out on a parallel pace with the language itself.

Two years later, Apple announced Swift Playgrounds again, immediately introducing a nomenclature confusion. This time the name referred to a dedicated, closed-source iOS app designed for interactively teaching programming concepts with Swift. The previous Xcode-coupled technology, now known as “Xcode Playgrounds” or simply “Playgrounds,” had seen modest improvements over the years but continued to be frustratingly slow, unpredictable, and crash-prone.

Today, in early 2018, the release of Swift Playgrounds 2.0 for iOS appears to represent Apple’s commitment to driving that product forward into the future. The latest version of Xcode Playgrounds, on the other hand, offers a lackluster interface, slow responsiveness, and a tendency to crash both within the Playground, and in ways that take down the entire Xcode app. In short: they’re not a very fun place to play.

I propose that Apple eliminate Xcode playgrounds, and invest all of their work in the field of interactive coding into the Swift Playgrounds app. It has been a nagging shortcoming that Swift Playgrounds is only available for iOS. Many people who would benefit from the educational opportunities of Swift Playgrounds could do so from Macs, whether in schools, homes, or workplaces. Porting Swift Playgrounds to the Mac would address that problem.

Where does that leave developers? After eliminating Xcode Playgrounds as we know them today, I envision adapting the Mac version of Swift Playgrounds so that playgrounds can be run either independently in a Swift Playgrounds app, or in “developer mode” within Xcode. In effect, Xcode would become a dedicated Swift Playgrounds authoring app, where such authoring capabilities would incidentally provide all the benefits that standalone Xcode Playgrounds currently provide.

Taking this course would allow Apple to maximize the output of its engineering and design efforts while eliminating the naming confusion that currently exists between Swift Playgrounds and Xcode Playgrounds.

For students and educators, it would broaden device requirements for Swift Playground materials, opening up learning opportunities for people who have access to Macs but not to iOS devices.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly for the developer ecosystem as a whole, it would eliminate the frustratingly problematic Xcode Playgrounds and hopefully provide developers with something more inspiring, more functional, and more reliable.

Radar #36910249.

Selective Selector Mapping

I ran into an interesting challenge while porting some Objective-C code to Swift. The class in question served both as an NSTableView delegate and data source, meaning that it implemented methods both for controlling the table view’s behavior and for supplying its content.

Historically in Cocoa, most delegate relationships were established as informal protocols. If you wanted a particular class to be a table view data source, you simply implemented the required methods. For example, to populate a cell based table view, a data source would implement various methods, including one to indicate how many rows the view should have:

- (NSInteger) numberOfRowsInTableView:(NSTableView *)tableView;

In recent years, Apple has increasingly converted these informal protocols to formal Objective-C protocols. These give the compiler the opportunity to generate errors if a particular class declares compliance, but neglects to implement a required method. At runtime, however, the compliance-checking is still pretty loose. NSTableView consults its data source, checks to see that it implements a required subset of methods, and dynamically dispatches to them if it does.

The dynamic nature of NSTableView hasn’t changed with Swift. An @objc class in Swift that complies with NSTableViewDataSource must still implement the required methods such that Apple’s Objective-C based NSTableView can dynamically look up and dispatch to the required delegate methods. Swift’s method rewriting “magic” even ensures that a delegate method can be written in modern Swift style, yet still appear identically to older Objective-C code:

class MyDataSource: NSObject {
	@objc func numberOfRows(in tableView: NSTableView) -> Int {
		return 0

Given an instance of MyDataSource, I can use the Objective-C runtime to confirm that a the legacy “numberOfRowsInTableView:” selector is actually implemented by the class above:

let thisSource = MyDataSource()
thisSource.responds(to: Selector("numberOfRowsInTableView:")) // false

Or can I? False? That’s no good. I’m using the discouraged “Selector” initializer here to ensure I get Swift to look for a very specific Selector, even if it doesn’t appear to be correct to the Swift-adapted side of the runtime.

I was scratching my head, trying to figure out why Objective-C could not see my method. Did I forget an @objc marker? No. Did I forget to make MyDataSource a subclass of NSObject? No. I finally discovered that I could second-guess the default Swift selector mapping to obtain a result that “worked”:

class MyDataSource: NSObject {
	@objc func numberOfRowsInTableView(_ tableView: NSTableView) -> Int {
		return 0

let thisSource = MyDataSource()
thisSource.responds(to: Selector("numberOfRowsInTableView:")) // true

Instances of MyDataSource will get the job done for Objective-C calls to “numberOfRowsInTableView:”, but I’ve lost all the pretty formatting that I expected to be able to use in Swift.

There’s something else I’m missing out in my Swift implementation: type checking of MyDataSource’s compliance with the NSTableViewDataSource protocol. Old habits die hard, and I had initially ported my class over with an old-fashioned, informal approach to complying with NSTableViewDataSource: I declared a plain NSObject that happens to implement the informal protocol.

It turns that adding that protocol conformance onto my class declaration not only gains me Swift’s protocol type checking, but changes the way key functions are mapped from Swift to Objective-C:

class MyDataSource: NSObject, NSTableViewDataSource {
	func numberOfRows(in tableView: NSTableView) -> Int {
		return 0

let thisSource = MyDataSource()
thisSource.responds(to: Selector("numberOfRowsInTableView:")) // true

Armed with the knowledge that my class intends to comply with NSTableViewDataSource, Swift generates the expected mapping to Objective-C. Notice in this final case, I don’t even have to remember to mark the function as @objc. I guess when Swift is creating the selector mapping for a function, it does so in a few phases, prioritizing more explicit scenarios over more general:

  1. First, it defers to any explicit annotation with the @objc attribute. If I tag my “numberOfRows…” func above with “@objc(numberOfDoodads:)” then the method will be made available to Objective-C code dynamically looking for “numberOfDoodads:”.
  2. If there’s no @objc specialization, it tries to match function implementations with declarations in superclasses or protocols the class complies with. This is what gives us the automatic mapping of Swift’s “numberOfRows(in:)” to Objective-C’s “numberOfRowsInTableView:”.
  3. Finally it resorts to a default mapping based on Swift API Design Guidelines. This is what yielded the default “numberOfRowsIn:” mapping that I first encountered.

This is an example of a Swift growing pain that is particularly likely to affect folks who are adapting older source bases (and older programming mindsets!) to Swift. If you run across a completely vexing failure of Objective-C to acknowledge your Swift class’s protocol compliance, start by making sure that you’ve actually declared the compliance in your class declaration!

Swatch Your Step

Shortly after macOS 10.13 was released, I received an oddly specific bug report from a customer, who observed that the little square “swatches” in the standard Mac color panel no longer had any effect on MarsEdit’s rich text editor.

Screenshot of the macOS standard color panel.

I was able to reproduce the problem in the shipping 3.7.11 version of MarsEdit, which for various reasons is still built using an older version of Xcode, against the 10.6 SDK. The MarsEdit 4 Beta, which is built against the 10.12 SDK, does not exhibit the problem.

It’s not unusual for the behavior of Apple’s frameworks to vary based on the version of SDK an application was built against. The idea is usually to preserve the old behaviors of frameworks, so that any changes do not defy the expectations of a developer who has not been able to build and test their app against a later SDK. Sometimes, the variations in behavior lead to bugs like this one.

Using a totally straightforward demo app, consisting only of an NSTextView and a button to bring up the color panel, I was able to confirm that the bug affects an app that links against the macOS 10.9 SDK, but does not affect an app that links against the 10.10 SDK.

I filed Radar #34757710: “NSColorPanel swatches don’t work on apps linked against 10.9 or earlier.” I don’t know of a workaround yet, other than compiling against a later SDK.

Unordered Directory Contents

Since I updated to macOS 10.13 High Sierra, some of my unit tests broke. Examining the failures more carefully, I discovered that they were making assumptions about the order that Foundation’s FileManager.contentsOfDirectory(atPath:) would return items.

I wrote a quick playground to test the behavior on a 10.12 machine:

import Foundation

let array = try! FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(atPath: "/Applications/Utilities")

The results come back alphabetically ordered by file name:

[".DS_Store", ".localized", "Activity", "Adobe Flash Player Install", "AirPort", "Audio MIDI", "Bluetooth File", "Boot Camp", "ColorSync", "", "Digital Color", "Disk", "", "", "Keychain", "Migration", "Script", "System", "", "VoiceOver"]

The same playground on 10.13 tells a different story:

["AirPort", "VoiceOver", "", "Activity", ".DS_Store", "", "Audio MIDI", ".localized", "System", "Keychain", "", "Migration", "Script", "ColorSync", "", "Disk", "Bluetooth File", "Boot Camp", "Digital Color"]

I thought at first this might have been related to the APFS conversion that 10.13 applied to my boot volume, but the same ordering discrepancy occurs for items on my HFS+ volumes as well.

After checking the 10.13 release notes for clues, and finding none, I consulted the documentation. Well, what do you know?

The order of the files in the returned array is undefined.

So, mea culpa. The test code in question probably shouldn’t have ever made assumptions about the ordering of items returned from this method. While it has evidently always been undefined, it appears they are only making good on that promise in 10.13. You have been warned!

Update: It turns out I have some real bugs in my apps, not just in my tests, because of assuming the results of this call will be reasonably sorted. Luckily I use a bottleneck method for obtaining the list of files, and I can impose my own sorting right at the source. If you’re looking to make the same kinds of changes to your app, be sure to heed Peter Maurer’s advice and use “localizedStandardCompare” (available since macOS10.6/iOS4) to obtain Finder-like ordering of the results.

JavaScript OSA Handler Invocation

When Apple added support to macOS to support JavaScript for Automation, they did so in a way that more or less allows folks who invoke AppleScripts to invoke JavaScript for Automation scripts as if they were exactly the same. An abstraction in Apple’s Open Script Architecture (OSA) makes it easy for script-running tools to theoretically handle any number of scripting languages without concern for the implementation details of those languages.

This mostly works, but I recently received a bug report that shed light on a problem with Apple’s implementation of JavaScript with respect to invoking a specific named handler. The OSA provides a mechanism for loading and running a specific handler, or function, within a script. My app FastScripts takes advantage of this to query a script about whether it would prefer to be invoked in another process or not. Unfortunately, when it comes to JavaScript, Apple’s implementation runs the whole script in addition to running just the specific, named handler.

If you’ve got Xcode handy, you can use this simple playground content to observe the problem:

import OSAKit

if let javaScriptLanguage = OSALanguage(forName: "JavaScript") {
   let scriptSource = "Application('Safari').activate();" +
         "function boo() { ObjC.import('Cocoa'); $.NSBeep(); }"
   let myScript = OSAScript(source: scriptSource, language: javaScriptLanguage)

  // Only the behavior of boo should be observed
  myScript.executeHandler(withName: "boo", arguments: [], error: nil)

// Give time for the beep to sound Date(timeIntervalSinceNow:5))

The named function “boo()” only invokes NSBeep, so when this playground is run, all that should happen is a beep should be emitted from the Mac. Instead, when it runs Safari becomes the active application. This is because in addition to running the “boo()” handler, it also runs the whole script at the top level.

A workaround to the bug is to wrap the top level functionality of a script in a “run()” handler, so where the scriptSource is declared above, instead use:

   let scriptSource = "function run() { Application('Safari').activate(); }" +
         "function boo() { ObjC.import('Cocoa'); $.NSBeep(); }"

I hope this helps the one other person on earth who cares about invoking JavaScript for Automation methods indvidually! (Radar #33962901, though I’m not holding my breath on this one!)

Resolving Modern Mac Alias Files

When a user selects a file in the Mac Finder and chooses File -> Make Alias, the resulting “copy” is a kind of smart reference to the original. It is similar to a POSIX symbolic link, but whereas a symbolic link references the original by full path, an alias has historically stored additional information about the original so that it stands a chance of being resolved even if the original full path no longer exists.

An alias, for example, can usually withstand being copied from one volume to another. To test this: create a Folder in your home folder called “Test”, and a file within it called “File”. Now, make an alias to “File”. You should have a folder hierarchy that looks like this:

	File alias

Click on the “File Alias” item, then choose “File” -> “Show Original” from the Mac menu bar to see how it resolves to the original.

Now, copy the whole folder to another volume, for example to a thumb drive or other external drive on your Mac. Click on the alias file and “Show Original” again. Instead of resolving to the file on your home volume, it resolves relative to the location on the new volume.

That’s pretty neat.

In the old days, if a developer needed to resolve an alias file on disk, they would use a Carbon function such as FSResolveAliasFile. In recent years, particularly as Application Sandboxing was introduced on the Mac, Apple has shifted away from aliases as a developer-facing concept, towards the use of “Bookmark Data”. As a result, an “alias file” created in the Finder is no longer a traditional alias, but a blob of bookmark data. You can confirm this by examining the hex content of the “File Alias” you created above. From the Terminal:

% xxd File\ alias
00000000: 626f 6f6b 0000 0000 6d61 726b 0000 0000  book....mark....
00000010: 3800 0000 3800 0000 f003 0000 0000 0410  8...8...........
00000020: 0000 0000 0061 0000 768c 979b 7ed8 be41  .....a..v...~..A
00000030: 0000 0000 ff7f 0000 0403 0000 0400 0000  ................
00000040: 0303 0000 0004 0000 0700 0000 0101 0000  ................

It was nice of them to design the format with the tell-tale “book….mark” data right there in the header!

Although you can still use FSResolveAliasFile on these beasts, the function is deprecated and Xcode will warn you about such behavior. The way forward is to use the newer

-[NSURL URLByResolvingBookmarkData:...]

method in Objective-C, or

URL.init(resolvingBookmarkData: ...)

in Swift. Just load the NSData from the alias file’s URL, and pass it to NSURL/URL as appropriate.

There’s a big catch, however, which is that you must take care to pass the alias file’s URL as the “relativeTo:” parameter when resolving the bookmark. Otherwise the bookmark will resolve as expected in typical scenarios, but will fail to resolve in all the scenarios where bookmarks really shine, as for example in the case of moving a bookmark and its target to another volume. So, for example, to resolve an alias file you know exists at “/private/tmp/Test/SomeAlias”:

var targetURL: URL? = nil
do {
	let aliasFileURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/private/tmp/Test/SomeAlias")
	let thisBookmarkData = try URL.bookmarkData(withContentsOf: aliasFileURL)
	var ignoredStaleness: Bool = false
	targetURL = try URL(resolvingBookmarkData: thisBookmarkData, options: .withoutUI, relativeTo: aliasFileURL, bookmarkDataIsStale: &ignoredStaleness)
catch {
	print("Got error: \(error)")

Notice how I ignore the staleness? It’s because I think this notion of staleness is tied more to resolving data with security scope, or in any case a bookmark that you are holding as pure Data, and not one that persists as a file on disk. The safety of ignoring staleness is supported by the fact that, starting in macOS 10.10, there is a new convenience method on NSURL specifically for resolving “alias files”:

var targetURL2: URL? = nil
do {
	let aliasFileURL2 = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/private/tmp/Test/SomeAlias")
	targetURL2 = try URL(resolvingAliasFileAt: aliasFileURL2)
catch {
	print("Got error: \(error)")

Which takes care of ensuring the “relativeTo:” information is considered, on your behalf. If you don’t need to support Mac OS X 10.9 or earlier, you should use the newest method! Otherwise, I hope the information preceding is of some use.

Window Tabbing Pox

macOS Sierra introduces a new system-wide window tabbing feature, which by default enables tabs within the windows of most document-based apps. Apple’s own TextEdit is a canonical example: open the app and select View -> Show Tab Bar to see how it looks.

Unfortunately, the default tabbing behaviors doesn’t make sense in all apps, even if they are document-based. I’ve had to disable the functionality in both MarsEdit and Black Ink, at least for the time being. Doing so is easy. Just add the following line somewhere early in the lifetime of your app:

NSWindow.allowsAutomaticWindowTabbing = NO;

This class property on NSWindow shuts the whole window tabbing system out of your app, so you don’t have to fuss with how to disable it on a window-by-window basis. Handy!

Unfortunately, setting that property to NO doesn’t do anything about windows that may already have been created, and which have their tab bar visible. I added the line to my app delegate’s applicationDidFinishLaunching: method, assuming that would take care of everything. After all, any documents will be instantiated later in the app’s lifetime, right? Right?

Wrong. Not with window restoration, at least, which causes a freeze-drying and restoration of open document windows when a user quits and relaunches the app. The window in this circumstance is actually created before applicationDidFinishLaunching. If it had its tab bar visible when you quit, it will have the tab bar visible when it’s restored, even if you’ve since disabled all window tabbing for the app.

What’s worse? Showing or hiding the tab bar on any window sets that choice as the default for all future windows in the app. So even new documents that are created by users, and which don’t have their tab bar visible because you’ve disabled it app-wide, will have a tab bar appended when they are restored at launch time, because “Show Tab Bar” was the last user action before disabling tabbing altogether.

The long and short of it? An app stuck in this situation will not have a View -> Show/Hide Tab Bar, and none of its windows will support tabbing, except for any document that is restored at launch time. Even new documents that are created without tab bars will have the tab bar imposed the next launch.

I filed Radar 28578742, suggesting that setting NSWindow.allowsAutomaticWindowTabbing=NO should also turn off window tabbing for any open windows that have it enabled.

If your app gets stuck in this predicament, one workaround is to move the NSWindow.allowsAutomaticWindowTabbing=NO line to an even earlier point in your app’s lifetime, such as in your app’s main.m or main.swift file.

Xcode 6 On Sierra

Xcode 6 and Xcode 7 are not supported by Apple on macOS Sierra, and should not be used for production work.

But what if you have a good reason for running one or the other? Maybe you want to compare a behavior in the latest Xcode 8 with an earlier version of the app. Instead of keeping a virtual machine around, or a second partition with an older OS release, it is liberating to be able to run and test against older versions of Xcode.

So far, it appears that Xcode 7 “mostly works” in spite of being unsupported by Apple. I’ve run into some launch-time crashes, but reopening the app tends to succeed.

Xcode 6 will flat out fail to launch, because one of its internal plugins depends on a private framework (Ubiquity.framework) that is no longer present on macOS Sierra. If you were willing to hack a copy of Xcode 6, however, you could get it running. You definitely shouldn’t do this, but if you’re curious how it could be done, here’s how:

  1. Always have a backup copy of any data that is important to you.
  2. Locate a copy of /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Ubiquity.framework from the previous OS X release.
  3. Copy the framework to within Xcode 6’s own Contents/Frameworks bundle subfolder:
    ditto /my/old/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Ubiquity.framework ./
  4. Navigate to the problematic Xcode plugin and modify its library lookup table so that it points to the app-bundled copy of Ubiquity.framework, instead of the non-existent system-installed copy.
    install_name_tool -change /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Ubiquity.framework/Versions/A/Ubiquity @rpath/Ubiquity.framework/Versions/A/Ubiquity ./iCloudSupport
  5. Now that you've modified Xcode, its code signature is invalid. You can repair it by signing it with your own credentials or with an ad hoc credential:
    codesign --deep -f -s - ./
  6. Did I mention you really shouldn't do this?

Apple has good reason to warn people off running older versions of Xcode, but if you absolutely need to get something running again, it's often possible.

Pasteboard Priority

A weird bug cropped up in MarsEdit, in which a URL copied and pasted from Safari, for example, was pasting into the plain text editor as the text from the link instead of the link itself. Daring Fireball’s star glyph permalinks to entries presented a most dramatic example. Right-clicking a star glyph and copying the link to paste into MarsEdit was supposed to yield:

Image of pasted link shown as expected with full text content of URL

But instead gave:

Image of pasted URL showing the text of the link instead of the URL content

How strange. What could have possibly changed something so fundamental as the manner in which a pasted link is processed by my text editor? I leaned on Mercurial’s “bisect” command which led me to the specific source code commit where the behavior had changed, in my text view’s helper method for building a list of acceptable paste types. My color emphasis is on the changed part:

-	return [[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSFilenamesPboardType] arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:[NSImage imageFileTypes]];
+	return [[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSFilenamesPboardType] arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:[NSImage imageTypes]];

That’s it? One little tweak to the construction of a list of image types affects the behavior of pasting a URL copied from Safari? Programming is hard.

I had made the change above because imageFileTypes is deprecated. The deprecation warning specifically says: “use imageTypes instead.” Okay. Functionally, everything related to the image types should work the same. Instead of a list of file extensions from -imageFileTypes, I’m now getting a list of UTIs. I scrutinized the lists a bit to satisfy myself that all of the major image types were present in the new list, and I trust that Apple had covered the bases when they made this migration themselves.

It turns out the change above, the one word diff that causes everything to work either as expected or otherwise, is fine. It’s outside of this method where the real problem lies: in my override of NSTextView’s -readablePasteboardTypes method. In it, I endeavor to combine my own list of pasteable types with NSTextView’s own list. To do this, I create a mutable set to combine -[super readablePasteboardTypes] and my own list, and then return an array of the result. The idea is to avoid listing any items redundantly from the built in list and my own:

- (NSArray*) readablePasteboardTypes
	NSMutableSet* allReadableTypes = [NSMutableSet setWithArray:[super readablePasteboardTypes]];
	[allReadableTypes addObjectsFromArray:[self acceptableDragTypes]];
	return [allReadableTypes allObjects];

Ah, my spidey sense is finally starting to tingle. While it’s not mentioned in the NSTextView reference documentation, the NSTextView.h header file includes comments about this method that are pertinent here:

Returns an array of types that could be read currently in order of preference.  Subclassers should take care to consider the "preferred" part of the semantics of this method.

Ah, so order matters. Of course. And what does the -[NSSet allObjects] say about order?

The order of the objects in the array is undefined.

So all this time, I’ve been playing fast and loose with NSSet, lucking out with the coincidence that types I prefer would show up higher in the list than types I don’t prefer. It turns out that “public.url” is among the types included in NSTextView’s own, built-in readablePasteboardTypes method implementation, but previous to this change, it always showed up lower in resulting list than NSStringPboardType. Thus, when faced with an opportunity to paste a URL from Safari, rich with information including the original text from the link, MarsEdit always favored the plain string representation.

Changing from -[NSImage imageFileTypes] to -[NSImage imageTypes] effectively changed the roll of the dice, causing the resulting array from NSSet, documented as being “undefined” in its order, to place the URL type above the string type in the list. Thus it tries to paste as a rich URL with text linking to a URL, but since my plain text HTML editor doesn’t support rich text, all you see is the star.

The fix will be to arrange that my resulting array from readablePasteboardTypes does impose some predictable prioritization. Probably by taking the code that I have now and, after generating the list of all unique types, carefully moving a few types to the top of the list in the order that I’d prefer.

Principally Unclassy

I had a real head-scratcher of a bug with MarsEdit, manifesting as a subtle failure of specific AppleScript commands to work properly in the release builds of the app. It seemed as though AppleScript were unable to reckon any properties of my app stemming directly from the application object itself.

I was so perplexed that I found myself digging around inside AppleScript’s own internal handling of the command. Setting a breakpoint on -[NSScriptCommand executeCommand], I could trace the evaluation of the request from AppleScript, watching as it ultimately failed to handle the command and returned an error.

It made sense to discover that, in the course of determining how to handle the command, it would consult the application’s “top level object.” That is, the application object itself. I witnessed that AppleScript internally determines the object by calling something like this:

(lldb) po [[NSScriptExecutionContext sharedScriptExecutionContext] topLevelObject]
<NSApplication: 0x618000160600>

Well, that all looks pretty ordinary. Nothing to be alarmed by, right? Luckily, it jumped out at me as all wrong, even though it’s the subtlest of things. The instance returned above is of class NSApplication, which would normally be fine, except that I’ve subclassed NSApplication in my app. It should be of class MEApplication.

Apple doesn’t encourage subclassing NSApplication, but it’s well-documented and appropriate in some circumstances. I happen to implement some of MarsEdit’s high level scripting support in the NSApplication subclass.

I double-checked the target’s Info.plist file. Sure enough the value for NSPrincipalClass is “MEApplication”, so why am I getting an NSApplication instance instead? And why did this suddenly start happening in recent beta test releases of the app?

The answer is that I added an innocuous looking call to -[NSApplication sharedApplication] in MarsEdit’s main.m, before the call to NSApplicationMain. And this code path doesn’t get reached on Debug builds, only on Release ones. Sigh.

It’s in NSApplicationMain that the documented behavior occurs of looking up NSPrincipalClass from the Info.plist, and using that value to call -[WhateverClass sharedApplication]. By calling -[NSApplication sharedApplication] before that, I preemptively force the shared application instance to be of class NSApplication.

So remember, kids: don’t subclass NSApplication. But if you do, then don’t reference -sharedApplication before NSApplicationMain. And if you simply must, then make darned sure you explicitly target your custom subclass by name. For you iOS developers, this wisdom applies to UIApplication, as well!

Nasty. Yeah.