Category Archives: Xcode

Not Applicable

From time to time, particularly when I’m working with xib files of a certain vintage, Xcode simply refuses to offer any inspector tools for the contents of a particular Interface Builder document. Instead of the typical controls for setting an object’s properties, I get this:


Look familiar? It’s super-frustrating when you simply can’t get at the settings for something you desperately need to change. I’ve sometimes gotten Xcode to relent through some combination of closing the file in question, closing assistant editors, etc. But sometimes I just can’t get it to show the properties for an object no matter what I try.

The one thing that always works is to simply make a copy of the xib file in question, which Xcode will happily edit, and then copy it back over the original. It’s really that simple:

  1. Copy MyInterface.xib to MyInterface Copy.xib
  2. Double-click the copy to edit it.
  3. Save changes.
  4. Replace MyInterface.xib with MyInterface Copy.xib

This has vexed me long and hard enough that I thought some others will not have recognized there is such an easy workaround. It would be great if Apple fixes whatever bug is causing this, but in the meantime at least there’s a solution.

Similar Detritus Not Allowed

Over the past few weeks, I’ve noticed a spike in the number of Mac and iOS developers who are running into a specific code signing error while building their apps. I myself ran into it last week after saving a new version of an image file from Preview into my app’s bundled resources.

I’ve noticed folks on Twitter and in developer Slack’s coming up with the same problem. I don’t know if something has changed in the code signing toolchain, or we’re just having an unlucky break, but I thought I’d blog about it because it seems many people may need this advice now.

The error in question is always along these lines:

resource fork, Finder information, or similar detritus not allowed

It comes up when the code signing process comes across traces of metadata in one of the files that is bundled with your app, or in some instances in the binary executable itself. This problem is common enough that Apple even posted a technical note several years ago that explains:

Code signing no longer allows any file in an app bundle to have an extended attribute containing a resource fork or Finder info.

This technical note gives advice for how to use the xattr tool to both examine and remove the unwanted extended attributes on the file. At least one colleague has reported that whatever was wrong with the file in their case was not detectable by xattr and therefore also not reparable with that tool.

Here’s a foolproof trick that is likely to address the problem, whether it’s unwanted extended attributes, resource forks, or whatever. Simply cat the affected file into another file, and then replace the original. For example, if you’ve got an image file called Whatever.png in your app, and it’s triggering the error above, try this in the Terminal:

cat Whatever.png > Whatever2.png
mv Whatever2.png Whatever.png

Et voilĂ ! It’s as simple as that. The cat command cares not about whatever special attributes or resource forks are causing the code signing process grief. It only cares about the binary bits that comprise “the main file”.

Excluded Embedded Binaries

After updating to Xcode 11.5 my release builds started failing because a failure in the “embedded binary validation” build step, which occurs after the last explicit build phase over which we as developers have the ability to affect how products are built.

I was able to trace the problem to an attempt to validate an app extension that is embedded into my app but then removed by a later build phase. The rationale here is that the app extension in question is used internally, and shouldn’t be shipped to customers. But you can’t have dependencies and binary embedding vary based on the build configuration, so I always build the app extension, embed it, and remove it only when building a “Release” build.

This strategy has worked well for years, but in the latest Xcode, it attempts to validate the embedded binary even if it no longer exists. I guess there’s some wisdom to this. After all, a missing binary certainly isn’t valid! But historically Xcode has allowed custom build phases to substantially change the layout and contents of the built product without causing the post-build steps to fail.

I created and submitted to Apple a simple test app that exhibits the problem. In this case, an app named embeds an app extension Whatever.appex, and then removes it in a build phase. It results in this errr:

error: Couldn't load Info dictionary for <DVTFilePath:0x7f86ef4be800:'/Users/daniel/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/InvalidApp-bqvdubwezowsaccymccleomclddp/Build/Products/Debug/'> (in target 'InvalidApp' from project 'InvalidApp')

Yes, there is no Info.plist for this app extension because the whole thing is gone! I worried that I would have to rejigger my whole build process and figure out another way to ensure this app extension is avialable only in internal builds, but luckily Apple got back to me with a suggestion to use the EXCLUDED_SOURCE_FILE_NAMES build setting to exclude the app extension.

I am familiar with this build setting, which can be used to impose powerful variations on which source files contribute to a particular built product. For example, it can be used to cause different source files to be compiled for the iOS version of an app than the Mac version. See Dave Delong’s excellent post series on conditional compilation to learn more about this powerful technique.

But I hadn’t considered that the build setting might apply to embedded binaries. After all, Whatever.appex isn’t a “source file.” But lo and behold, adding the app extension name to the excluded source file names for my target, only in the Release build configuration, completely solves the problem. Not only does it avoid the erroneous validation error, it achieves my original goal of excluding the app extension by never copying it to the bundle in the first place. I can remove the custom build phase that selectively removed the app extension, in favor of a build setting that effectively communicates to the Xcode build system exactly what I want it to do.

Xcode 11.4 Beta 1: Couldn’t Load Spec With Identifier

When Apple updates Xcode, they usually add a slew of deprecations and warnings that might turn your otherwise warning-free project into a virtual hailstorm of yellow warning triangles.

One of the warnings that popped up for me with the recent Xcode 11.4 Beta 1 release, is this inscrutable little gem:

Screenshot of a warning from Xcode. Text in post content below.

Hmm, “Couldn’t load spec with identifier ‘’ in domain ‘macosx'”, what does it mean? I know this is an old project, and has a lot of history. Maybe I have some old GCC setting that needs to be zapped? I searched the build settings for “gcc” but nothing came up at all, and certainly nothing with the specificity of “gcc.4_0”.

I was perplexed. Rather than fish around any longer in Xcode, I headed to Terminal for some brute force searching:

% cd /path/to/My.xcodeproj
% grep -r gcc *
project.pbxproj:			compilerSpec =;

Aha! Let’s open that file up and see what the context is for these:

65F44C4917D681F3002A02AA /* PBXBuildRule */ = {
	isa = PBXBuildRule;
	compilerSpec =;
	fileType = sourcecode.c;
	inputFiles = (
	isEditable = 1;
	outputFiles = (

Build rules? We don’t need no steekin’ build rules! I have rarely used a custom build rule, so never think to search in that tab when examining a target’s properites. Particularly not when I’m coping with new Xcode warnings. Sure enough, I took a look in the Build Rules tab and found these:

Screenshot of Xcode's build rules editor, listing two custom rules, one for C file and one for Assembly files, specifying an

These custom build rules must have come from a time when the target included C and Assembly files. These days, it only contains Objective-C files, so I feel extra safe in deleting these. After doing so, the new warnings are gone.

Casting Objective-C Message Sends

Mike Ash shares interesting news that the latest Xcode SDKs include a change to the function prototype of Objective-C’s msgSend family of functions. Where objc_msgSend was previously defined in terms of the couple of parameters it usually takes, and with the return type that it sometimes has, it is now declared as taking no parameters and returning no value:

objc_msgSend(void /* id self, SEL op, ... */ )

In practial terms, this will have an impact if you are still using direct objc_msgSend calls anywhere in your code. For example, imagine you have a “transformer” class that is capable of performing a variety of text manipulations on strings. You might have some code that derives a “SEL” programmatically and then messages the transformer to perform the action. Here’s a contrived example:

SEL tSEL = @selector(uppercaseString:);
NSString* upString = objc_msgSend(transformer, tSEL, lowString);

While that would have worked previously (apart from some ARC warnings), on the latest SDKs you’ll get a compile-time error on the objc_msgSend call:

Too many arguments to function call, expected 0, have 3

Obviously, you need to pass the arguments or the invocation will be useless, but how do you do it? Mike’s post has the advice:

Because it still has a function type, you can still cast it to a function pointer of the appropriate type and invoke it that way. This will work correctly as long as you get the types right.

As long as you get the types right … so, how does one do that? Mike includes an example of inline-casting objc_msgSend, but if you need to do this more than once in your code, I think a more elegant way of casting objc_msgSend is by declaring a global variable as a function pointer with the desired types:

#import "objc/message.h"

NSString* (*PerformWithStringReturningString)(id, SEL, NSString*) = (NSString* (*)(id, SEL, NSString*)) objc_msgSend;

Now when you want to invoke “objc_msgSend” on an object that you know accepts and returns a string type, you can do so like this:

NSString* upString = PerformWithStringReturningString(transformer, tSEL, lowString);

No compiler warnings, ARC knows just what to do with all the types, and you have a very clear understanding of what objc_msgSend is expected to do with this particular invocation.

Notarization Provider IDs

Update: 3 November, 2019: As of Xcode 11 the altool command features a new parameter, “–list-providers” which makes it much easier to obtain the provider ID described below. See the updated documentation for more information.

With the release of macOS 10.15 fast-approaching, more and more Mac developers will be scurrying to ensure their apps are notarized. This is the process by which binary applications are submitted to Apple for cryptographic seal-of-approval indicating that the app meets minimum requirements for safety, and shows no obvious signs of being malware.

Apple offers substantial documentation about notarizing your apps. Many developers will find that Xcode automatically notarizes the app as part of the built-in process for archiving an app for release. For those of us with existing, automated command-line build & release processes, there is a separate guide just for us:

Customizing the Notarization Workflow

The steps for automating notarization involve running the “altool” command from Terminal. Everything in the guide linked above should work perfectly unless you’re a member of more than one development team. If you have more than one team associated with your Apple ID, the back-end at Apple doesn’t know which one it should notarize on behalf of. You’ll see an error message like this:

Error: Your Apple ID account is attached to other iTunes providers. You will need to specify which provider you intend to submit content to by using the -itc_provider command. Please contact us if you have questions or need help. (1627)

Here’s where things get fun: what the heck is your ITC provider ID? It’s not listed anywhere obvious on the Apple developer site or in Xcode, and can’t be obtained from the very tool that is asking for it. I came across a message from the ever-helpful Quinn in the Apple Developer Forums. It details a method for locating the provider ID by running a command-line tool, iTMSTransporter, from deep within Apple’s Application Loader app.

Application Loader has since been eliminated from Xcode 11, so if you’re running with modern tools, you’ll be hard pressed to find it. Fear not, the binary is preserved deep within the Xcode app bundle itself:

% xcrun -f iTMSTransporter

All that said, here is a surefire list of steps for obtaining your ITC Provider ID, or as it’s described in the altool man page, your ASC Provider Shortcode.

  1. Create a new App-Specific Password from your Apple ID management page.
  2. From Terminal, invoke iTMSTransporter with the following options:
    xcrun iTMSTransporter -m provider -u <yourAppleID> -p <yourAppSpecificPassword>
  3. At your discretion, revoke the App-Specific Password you created for this process.

NOTE: These instructions apply if you are using Xcode 11. If you’re still using Xcode 10, you’ll need to dig up the iTMSTransporter binary from within Application Instead of “xcrun iTMSTransporter” above, it will be something like /path/to/Application

If all goes well, you should see a list of your Apple development teams, including the Long Name and Short Name. The Short Name is what you need to pass whenever altool requires an ITC or ASC Provider ID.

Monolithic Workspace

I’ve been experimenting in Xcode with the idea of using one workspace that contains ALL of my projects. The idea is to give me the ability to quickly jump between building/testing different apps, and to make it easier to do global refactoring of common code that is shared among all my apps.

Screenshot of Xcode's source list area with a large number of project icons referencing various apps and libraries

The challenge here is rooted in Xcode’s inability to maintain more than one open reference to a project at a time. If you have a common library “CoreFunctions.framework” and several apps with “CoreFunctions.xcodeproj” embedded in them, then the first app you open in Xcode that references it “wins,” and all the subsequent apps end up with un-expandable proxy icons for the project reference.

The monolithic workspace is a bit unwieldy but great to not have to do the close and reopen dance every time I want to check whether a change to a common framework has an impact on another app.

The main nuisance I find in working in the workspace is navigating the massive number of projects and file hierarchies that may be expanded at any time. What I’d like to be able to do is to borrow a trick from OmniFocus, and “focus” on just one project in my workspace at a time. Apple already offers the ability to focus search on a subset of files. Just right-click on a project or folder in the source list, and “Find in Selected Groups”:

Contextual menu showing a menu item to 'Find in Selected Groups' title=

If I could “Focus on Selected Groups” then I imagine being able to work primarily within a project, say BlackInk.xcodeproj, while maintaining all the open references in the workspace for the benefits of global searching and streamlining switches between active schemes. This functionality could be paired with Xcode’s tabbed window support to effectively provide separate workspaces that work in conjunction with one another. Radar #45908260.

Let it Rip

In the latest Mojave public beta, I noticed a foreboding warning in the console when I build and run FastScripts, my macOS scripting utility:

FastScripts [...] is calling TIS/TSM in non-main thread environment, ERROR : This is NOT allowed. Please call TIS/TSM in main thread!!!

Ruh-roh, that doesn’t sound good. Particularly with the emphasis of three, count them three, exclamation points! I better figure out what’s going on here. But how?

Sometimes when Apple adds a log message like this, they are kind enough to offer advice about what to do to alleviate the problem. Sometimes the advice implores that we stop using a deprecated method, or in a scenario like this, offers a symbolic breakpoint we might set to zero in on exactly where the offending code lies. For example, a quick survey of my open Console app reveals:

default	11:54:18.482226 -0400	Set a breakpoint at SLSLogBreak to catch errors/faults as they are logged.

This particular warning doesn’t seem to apply to my app, but if it did, I would have something good to go on if I wanted to learn more. With the TIS/TSM warning, however, I have no idea where to go. Do I even use TIS/TSM? What is TSM?

I’ve worked on Apple platforms for long enough to know that TSM stands for Text Services Manager. However, I have also worked on these platforms long enough to forget whether I’ve actually used, or am still using, such a framework in my apps! When these kinds of warnings appear in the console, as many times as not they reflect imperfections in Apple’s own framework code. Is it something Apple’s doing, or something I’m doing, that’s triggering this message?

Ideally we could set a breakpoint on the very line of code that causes this console message to be printed. This can be surprisingly difficult though. There have always been a variety of logging mechanisms. Should you set the breakpoint on NSLog, os_log, printf, fprintf, or write? I could probably figure out a comprehensive method for catching anything that might write to the console, but am I even sure this console method is being generated in my app’s main process? There are a lot of variables here. (Hah! In this particular case, I ended up digging deeper and discovering it calls “CFLog”).

This is a scenario where combining lldb’s powerful “regular expression breakpoints” and “breakpoint commands” can help a great deal. Early in my app’s launch, before the warning messages are logged, I break in lldb and add a breakpoint:

(lldb) break set -r TIS|TSM.*

I’m banking on the likelihood that whatever function is leading to this warning contains the pertinent framework prefixes. It turns out to be a good bet:

Breakpoint 5: 634 locations.

I hit continue and let my app continue launching. Here’s the problem, though: those 634 breakpoint locations include quite a few that are getting hit on a regular basis, and for several consecutive breaks, none of them is triggering the warning message I’m concerned about. This is a situation where I prefer to “let it rip” and sort out the details later:

(lldb) break command add 5
Enter your debugger command(s).  Type 'DONE' to end.
> bt
> c
(lldb) c
Process 16022 resuming

What this does is add a series of commands that will be run automatically by lldb whenever breakpoint 5 (the one I just set) is hit. This applies to any of the 634 locations that are associated with the regular expression I provided. When the breakpoint is hit, it will first invoke the “bt” command to print a backtrace of all the calls leading up to this call, and then it will invoke the “continue” command to keep running the app. After the app has run for a bit, I search the debugger console for “!!!” which I remembered from the original warning. Locating it, I simply scroll up to see the backtrace command that had most recently been invoked:

  thread #7, stop reason = breakpoint 5.568
    frame #0: 0x00007fff2cd520fd HIToolbox`TSMGetInputSourceProperty
    frame #1: 0x00000001003faef2 RSFoundation`-[RSKeyboardStatus update](self=0x00006000002b8c00, _cmd="update") at RSKeyboardStatus.m:56

Command #2 'c' continued the target.
2018-08-14 12:15:40.326538-0400 FastScripts[16022:624168] pid(16022)/euid(501) is calling TIS/TSM in non-main thread environment, ERROR : This is NOT allowed. Please call TIS/TSM in main thread!!! 

Sure enough, that’s my code. I’m calling TSM framework functions to handle key translation for FastScripts’s keyboard shortcut functionality, and I’m doing it (gasp!) from thread #7, which is certainly not the main thread. I oughta be ashamed…

But I’m proud, because I tracked down the root of the problem pretty efficiently using lldb’s fantastic breakpoint commands. Next time you’re at a loss for how or where something could possibly be happening, consider the possibility of setting a broad, regular expression based breakpoint, and a series of commands to help clarify what’s happening when those breakpoints are hit. Then? Let it rip!

Completely Useful

Particularly as a developer coming from an Objective C background, it’s common to head into an override implementation in a subclass thinking of a property as a function. For this reason, I find myself commonly starting to implement a property override by typing something like “override func canBecome” when I want to override UIView’s “canBecomeFirstResponder”. A completion pops up like this:

Screenshot of Xcode offering a code completion with non-pertinent options.

Instead of the expected method, Xcode has twisted itself into knots to contrive that letters from the whole prototype for “addObserver” can be used to spell out “canBecome”. Not particularly useful.

It always takes me a few seconds, or longer, to realize that I haven’t misremembered the existence of a method or property that I want to override, I’ve simply disregarded whether it’s identified in Swift as a “var” or a “func”. One simple change to “override var canBecome” does the trick:

Screenshot of Xcode offering a useful code completion popup list.

In my not so very humble at all opinion, Xcode should go the extra mile here and look for matches in the “var” realm when you’ve type “func”, and vice-versa. If it finds something that perfectly matches everything you’ve typed except whether it’s a func or a var, then it should offer the completion and fix the mistyped designation when you accept it. I’ve filed Radar #42660012 requesting this enhancement.

Update: Several folks have suggested a good workaround: simply get in the habit of omitting the decorative terms, such as “override”, “func”, and “var”. It turns out if you leave out the narrowing term, Xcode does find the pertinent matches, and also inserts the required decoration upon inserting one.

My friend Chris Liscio pointed out that changing the behavior as I recommend might be a questionable move, because it defies a kind of rule for type-completion. In general, whatever the user has already typed should be considered what the user knows they want, and completion should only offer pertinent matches. It’s a compelling argument but I think that in cases like this the computer actually knows more about what I really want than I do.

Getting a CFNumber’s Value in Swift

Recently, as a consequence of working with the CGImageSource API, I found myself in a situation where I had hold of a CFNumber and wanted to get its value, as a CGFloat, in Swift.

CFNumber wraps numeric values in such a way that, to get the value out, you have to specify both the desired type, and provide a pointer to the memory of the variable that will hold the value. This kind of direct memory manipulation is not particularly suited to Swift’s priorities for type safety and memory protection. Here’s the API I’d need to use in Swift:

func CFNumberGetValue(_ number: CFNumber!, 
                    _ theType: CFNumberType, 
                    _ valuePtr: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!) -> Bool

The first two parameters are straightforward, but whenever I see types like “UnsafeMutableRawPointer” in Swift, my brain melts down a little. I have never really sat down to truly understand the nuanced differences between these types, so I usually just try something and hope it works. Here I am hoping for a gift from Swift’s implicit bridging:

// myCFNumber is 30.5
var myFloat: CGFloat = 0
CFNumberGetValue(myCFNumber, .floatType, &myFloat)
print(myFloat) // "5.46688490824244e-315\n"

Welp. That didn’t work. Let’s see if we can refresh our memory about UnsafeMutableRawPointer. In the section titled “Raw, Unitialized Memory” or I read:

You can use methods like initializeMemory(as:from:) and moveInitializeMemory(as:from:count:) to bind raw memory to a type and initialize it with a value or series of values.

Oh jeez, am I really going to have to manually create an UnsafeMutableRawPointer? I’ll try anything:

var myFloat: CGFloat = 0
var myFloatPointer = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(mutating: &myFloat)
CFNumberGetValue(myCFNumber, .floatType, myFloatPointer)
print(myFloat) // "5.46688490824244e-315\n"

Alas, same problem. Surely somebody has figured this out? I try Googling for “CFNumberGetValue Swift GitHub” and find a promising result from an authoritative source. The Swift standard library itself!

var value: Float = 0
CFNumberGetValue(_cfObject, kCFNumberFloatType, &value)

Aha! Practically the same thing I was doing, except for one nuanced detail: the var value is declared as a Float instead of a CGFloat. But wait a minute, what file is this implementation in? NSNumber.swift? Oh, right. NSNumber and CFNumber are toll-free bridged, and Swift’s standard library fulfills that promise too:

let myFloat = (myCFNumber as NSNumber).floatValue
print(myFloat) // 30.5

In fact, Swift’s Float type is even cozier with CFNumber than I expected. What started as a confused mission to make use of CFNumberGetValue and its unsafe pointer argument culminated in a bit of sample code from GitHub that ultimately led me to the understanding that the way to get a CFNumber’s value in Swift is … simply to ask for it:

let myFloat = Float(myCFNumber)
print(myFloat) // 30.5